Direktori : /home/pequenacapitolio/www/administrador/bower_components/jquery-sparkline/src/ |
Current File : /home/pequenacapitolio/www/administrador/bower_components/jquery-sparkline/src/vcanvas-canvas.js |
VCanvas_canvas = createClass(VCanvas_base, { init: function (width, height, target, interact) { VCanvas_canvas._super.init.call(this, width, height, target); this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if (target[0]) { target = target[0]; } $.data(target, '_jqs_vcanvas', this); $(this.canvas).css({ display: 'inline-block', width: width, height: height, verticalAlign: 'top' }); this._insert(this.canvas, target); this._calculatePixelDims(width, height, this.canvas); this.canvas.width = this.pixelWidth; this.canvas.height = this.pixelHeight; this.interact = interact; this.shapes = {}; this.shapeseq = []; this.currentTargetShapeId = undefined; $(this.canvas).css({width: this.pixelWidth, height: this.pixelHeight}); }, _getContext: function (lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.strokeStyle = lineColor; } context.lineWidth = lineWidth === undefined ? 1 : lineWidth; if (fillColor !== undefined) { context.fillStyle = fillColor; } return context; }, reset: function () { var context = this._getContext(); context.clearRect(0, 0, this.pixelWidth, this.pixelHeight); this.shapes = {}; this.shapeseq = []; this.currentTargetShapeId = undefined; }, _drawShape: function (shapeid, path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth), i, plen; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(path[0][0] + 0.5, path[0][1] + 0.5); for (i = 1, plen = path.length; i < plen; i++) { context.lineTo(path[i][0] + 0.5, path[i][1] + 0.5); // the 0.5 offset gives us crisp pixel-width lines } if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.stroke(); } if (fillColor !== undefined) { context.fill(); } if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined && context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) { this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid; } }, _drawCircle: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined && context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) { this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid; } if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.stroke(); } if (fillColor !== undefined) { context.fill(); } }, _drawPieSlice: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor) { var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false); context.lineTo(x, y); context.closePath(); if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.stroke(); } if (fillColor) { context.fill(); } if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined && context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) { this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid; } }, _drawRect: function (shapeid, x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor) { return this._drawShape(shapeid, [[x, y], [x + width, y], [x + width, y + height], [x, y + height], [x, y]], lineColor, fillColor); }, appendShape: function (shape) { this.shapes[shape.id] = shape; this.shapeseq.push(shape.id); this.lastShapeId = shape.id; return shape.id; }, replaceWithShape: function (shapeid, shape) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, i; this.shapes[shape.id] = shape; for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { if (shapeseq[i] == shapeid) { shapeseq[i] = shape.id; } } delete this.shapes[shapeid]; }, replaceWithShapes: function (shapeids, shapes) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, shapemap = {}, sid, i, first; for (i = shapeids.length; i--;) { shapemap[shapeids[i]] = true; } for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { sid = shapeseq[i]; if (shapemap[sid]) { shapeseq.splice(i, 1); delete this.shapes[sid]; first = i; } } for (i = shapes.length; i--;) { shapeseq.splice(first, 0, shapes[i].id); this.shapes[shapes[i].id] = shapes[i]; } }, insertAfterShape: function (shapeid, shape) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, i; for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { if (shapeseq[i] === shapeid) { shapeseq.splice(i + 1, 0, shape.id); this.shapes[shape.id] = shape; return; } } }, removeShapeId: function (shapeid) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, i; for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { if (shapeseq[i] === shapeid) { shapeseq.splice(i, 1); break; } } delete this.shapes[shapeid]; }, getShapeAt: function (el, x, y) { this.targetX = x; this.targetY = y; this.render(); return this.currentTargetShapeId; }, render: function () { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, shapes = this.shapes, shapeCount = shapeseq.length, context = this._getContext(), shapeid, shape, i; context.clearRect(0, 0, this.pixelWidth, this.pixelHeight); for (i = 0; i < shapeCount; i++) { shapeid = shapeseq[i]; shape = shapes[shapeid]; this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args); } if (!this.interact) { // not interactive so no need to keep the shapes array this.shapes = {}; this.shapeseq = []; } } });